grammar checker比較


Grammarian > WordPerfect > Word 2004 (Mac) >MS Word97 > OpenOffice > その他 MS Wordという順番で検出力が高いらしい。

Grammarian Pro Xは Windowsで動かず、バージョンアップも終わっている、と。

ほんでもって、バージョンアップされている中では Corel WordPerfectが一番良い、と。

Windowsでは選択の余地無く WordPerfect、と。

How effective are grammar checking programs at finding errors and suggesting corrections? Here, we will examine how well several popular word processors and one grammar checking utility for the Mac find and correct common grammar and usage errors. We will compare Microsoft's Word (both the Windows and the Mac versions of the program), Corel's WordPerfect (Windows only), Grammarian Pro X (Mac only), and Open Office Writer with the LanguageTool extension added (platform independent) for their ability to find and identify the twenty most frequent errors.1